
Gift Card Certificate

Gift Card Certificate

We are now offering a Feggings gift Card Certificate. You can buy a gift card and offer it to someone as a gift.

Gift Card Certificate

We are now offering a Feggings gift Card Certificate. You can buy a gift card and offer it to someone as a gift.

Branding our designs

Branding our designs

We are working on branding our designs, so that it will be very difficult for outsiders to copy them. We should have some posted mid-September.

Branding our designs

We are working on branding our designs, so that it will be very difficult for outsiders to copy them. We should have some posted mid-September.

Spurs high heels pumps stilettos women’s shoes

Spurs high heels pumps stilettos women’s shoes

We created the spurs high heels pumps stilettos women’s luxury shoes. The spurs feature gives of a fetish steampunk western look and feel when paired with crotch zipper leather leggings.

Spurs high heels pumps stilettos women’s shoes

We created the spurs high heels pumps stilettos women’s luxury shoes. The spurs feature gives of a fetish steampunk western look and feel when paired with crotch zipper leather leggings.